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The field component is a superset of the input component, essentially building ontop of the input to allow you to easily validate your inputs without hassle.

The field collects four main props to function effectively state, setState, name and regex.

<Field name={""}  state={} setState={} regex={}/>


The Field component takes in all the regular props that the regular input takes with the addition of the following props :

stateanyA reference value where the value of the input will be referred to
setStateReact.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<T>>A setter function
regexregExpA predefined regular expression with which state reference will be tested
regexErrorMessagestringAn error message that will be displayed during the Field error state
customStylescustomStylesAn object of options for customizing the Field component. It supports Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap and other class based styling solutions


Customization in the Field component can be done with the customStyles props which takes in an object with the following

<Field customStyles={
        wrapper : "",
        label : "",
        labelError : "",
        input : "",
        inputError : "",
        infoGroup: {
            wrapper : "",
            svg : "",
            svgError : "",
            errorMessage : ""

The styles will be assigned to the tags within the Field component as follows

div [wrapper]
  ├─ label [label, labelError]
  ├─ input [input, inputError]
  └─ infoGroup 
      └─ div [wrapper]
           ├─ svg [svg, svgError]
           └─ span/ svg:hover [errorMessage]


Support for other libraries will be coming in the future to improve the versatility of the library